Chintamani Bhattarai
District Governor - ( 2018-2019 )
Chintamani Bhattarai is the 11th District Governor of RID 3292 Nepal & Bhutan. His classification is Banking & Financial services. He has completed bachelor degree in Commerce in 1980/1981 and Master in Business Administration from Tribhuvan University Nepal in 1986/87. He is happily married to Lelina Bhattarai and is blessed with two sons Bijan and Subesh and one daughter Kripa. He is well established in the financial management and insurance sector of Nepal and currently he is serving as Director of Lumbini Bikas Bank and he is also serving as Member of Indian Institute of Management- Alumni Society India and Life Member of Nepal AOTS Alumni Society (NAAS). His Major Involvements include but not limited to
(a) Promoter of Lumbini Finance & Leasing Co. Ltd
(b) Promoter of Citizen Bank International
(c) Promoter/Director of Lumbini General Insurance
(d) Promoter and President of Hotel Jungle Lodge Pvt. Ltd. (A Resort Hotel)
(e) Director of DEPROSC Development Bank (DD Bank) (2013-2016)
(f) Director of NADEP Laghubitta, Sanstha (2014-2016) and
(g) Managing Director/Chairman of Lumbini Finance & Leasing Co. Ltd (1995-2016).
He was the Charter Member of Rotary Club of Kantipur, chartered in 1999/2000 and become the President of the Club in the Rotary Year (2002/2003). Under RI District 3290 from 2003/04 to 2007/2008 and from 2008/09 onwards under RI District 3292, he has served in wide range of district key positions among which Chair District Award Committee, Chair ICM Committee, Assisting Governor, District Extension Coordinator, Regional Trainer, District Treasurer and District Secretary are the key among other important district leadership positions.
He has taken part in number of Rotary International Conventions and almost all the District Conference of RI District 3292. He is Major Donor Level I. He was elected as District Governor for the RY 2021-2022 during the District Conference held at Dhulikhel in 2015-2016. He served as District Governor during the year 2018-2019 and have obtained Level one rated award in Membership, The Rotary Foundation and Rotaryís Public Image in the Regional Rotary Institute. Since then, he is continuously getting involved in various District, Regional and International Rotary events in diÅ erent capacities contributing to raise the bar of District 3292 to a greater height.
His Hobbies are Social service, Playing Golf, and travelling and he has widely travelled in countries like Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Thailand, Japan, India, Bhutan, Malaysia, Singapore, China, South Korea, UAE, USA, etc.