Kiran Lal Shrestha
District Governor - ( 2019-2020 )
Kiran Lal Shrestha, son of late Mathura Lal Shrestha has been the 12th District Governor of RID 3292. His classiÅ cation is business in textile production, and has been managing since 1980, the family business ìMathura Sahuko Pasalî a popular household name in textile business in Pokhara, established in the year 1956 by his late father Mathura Lal Shrestha. He is happily married to Geeta Shrestha and the couple is blessed with two sons-Rtn Kapil (PHF) and Rtr Kushal (PHF).
Rtn Kiran is TU graduate of Diploma in Business Administration and International Marketing in 1978. He started diversiÅ cation of the business by establishing a Water Bottling Plant for purified spring water under brand name of Today's Water in 1998. In 2000, a first recreation center, was also started the Club CM, serving as one of the Hospitality center in Pokhara city. In subsequent years, Rtn. Kiran established Pokharaís Å rst CM PET Plast industry to manufacture PET bottles. To consolidate the businesses, he set up a holding company CM & Sons which has now also ventured into infrastructure development such as highways, hydroelectricity and other such public works. The familyís core textile business is also a Groupís subsidiary. The Group is also a promoter of a Finance Company United Finance Company Ltdî. He is Chairman of the Group and is actively supported by his sons Kapil Kiran and Kushal Kiran Shrestha.
He was also President of Pokhara Jaycees in 1989, Founder and Charter Secretary of Nepal Cancer Relief Society Kaski, Life Member of Nepal Leprosy Relief Association and Nepal Netra Jyoti Sangh. He was involved for more than 15 years in Chamber movement in Pokhara Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He was the Founder and Vice President of Nepal Sinozen Cultural Development Organization and Nepal India Friendship Association Kaski.
Rtn Kiran Lal Shrestha joined Rotary Club of Pokhara as a charter member in 1997. He became the Club President in RY 1999-2000. Since then, he served in different capacities in the Rotary District 3290 till 2007/2008 and from 2008/2009 onwards under RI District 3292. He has served as Assistant Governor (2020-2011), District Chairs of Polio Plus Committee 2004, RYLA 2012, ROTARACT 2013, Youth Exchange 2014, Fund Raising Committee for District Conference 2014, Coordinator of Paul Harris Society as some of the key leadership positions among many other positions. He was awarded as the Best Assistant Governor of the year 2010-2011. He was also the Governorís Special Representative (GSR) for the Rotary Club of Damauli chartered in 2000.
He attended many District, Regional and Rotary International program events in different capacities: Chairperson, National Conference on Literacy and WASH in School in Pokhara in 2017, inaugurated by Her Excellency President Bidhya Devi Bhandari, attended Rotary South Asia Literacy Summit Nepal, in 2012, Hyderabad ñ 2013, New Delhi 2014, Kolkata ñ 2016 and Chennai 2017, Rotary International Institute, Singapore in 2014 and Kuala-Lumpur in 2017. PP Rtn. Kiran had participated in Rotary International Conventions in Bangkok 2012, Lisbon 2013, Seoul 2016, Atlanta 2017 and Toronto 2018. He received the ìGold Pin for Membership Developmentî at Seoul RI Convention from RIP K.R Ravindran.
PDG Rtn. Kiran is a Major Donor. He was elected as District Governor for the RY 2019-2020 during the District Conference held at Kathmandu in 2016-2017. He served as District Governor during the year 2019-2020 and has achieved a record breaking district contribution to the Rotary Foundation. He is continuously getting involved in various District, Regional and International Rotary events in di erent capacities contributing to raise the bar of District 3292 to a greater height.