Rajib Pokhrel
District Governor - ( 2020-2021 )
Rajib Pokhrel resident of Kathmandu holds a MBA degree and has a strong business background. He is involved in Industry, Hydro, trading, Financial service and export. He has served as an Executive member, Secretary and Vice President of Finance Company Association Nepal and Executive member of Management Association Nepal. Has travelled extensively to many countries in Asia, Europe, North and South America.
- 2005: joined RC Kathmandu Metro
- 2006; club Joint Secretary
- 2007:club Secretary./ secretary District RYLA steering committee. Co-ordinator of Wheel Chair distribution committee. Received Governors specia recognition award for successfully distributing
more than one thousand Wheel chairs. 2008: Club Vice President. Speaker at the District Conference for the successful Bio Gas project. - 2009: Club President Elect/District RYLA Programme Co-ordinator. Special appreciation by RIP Kalyan Banerjee on the programme when he visited the RYLA programme as Rotary International President Nominee.
- 2010: Club President/ Chair of the District RYLA steering Committee.
- 2011: Chair District Club Extension sub Committee.
- 2012: Assistant Governor/ Outstanding Assistant Governor Award.
- 2013: Assistant Governor.
- 2014: Chair Fund Raising Sub Committee.
- 2015: Chair Fund Raising Sub Committee. Successfully raised record 1.2 million dollars for the foundation which is the highest amount ever raised from District 3292 so far. Executive member
District Training Team. Special aid to Rotary International PresidentÃs representative during the District Conference. - 2016: Chair District Training Team. / Received Governors special recognition award. Key Note speaker at the District Conference. Special aid to Regional Rotary Foundation Co-ordinator.
- 2017: Chair Service Project Committee.Member of CSR Committee. Has been in the District Training Team since 2013. Speaker in many TRF and Membership Seminars.
A Major Donor.
Has Attended all the District Conference since 2008.
Has Attended:
- Rotary Institute in Jaipur, India
- RI Convention Sau Paulo, Brazil, 2015
- RI Convention Seoul, Korea, 2016
- RI Convention Atlanta, USA 2017