Message from RI District 3292 DGE Binod Koirala

July 01, 2024
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Dear Fellow Rotarians,

Congratulations to all the Rotarians of RI District 3292 entering into new Rotary Year 2024-25 with full of enthusiasm and robustness to serve our communities with excellent fellowship experience.

My wife Bibha joins me to congratulate District Governor Rajendra Man Sherchan and first lady Sarojani Sherchan for your new role to lead the District 3292. We wish you all the best for your admirable leadership to bring the district in a new raise with remarkable achievements in a magical way. We are very much confident that the year will bring new hopes and ideas to serve our community with amazing team spirit.

We would like to express our gratitude and congratulations to IPDG Rajendra Prasad Dhoju and madam Samira Dhoju for their tireless efforts to bringing the District into a new height with lots of remarkable achievements. Their effort of paying physical visit to almost all the clubs in Nepal during the year 2023-24 was amazing. Moreover, their efforts to motivate Rotarians during such visits were highly appreciable. During their Governor’s tenure, we had witnessed a number of district and international events with gracious presence of RI director and other dignitaries. Those events have proven good sources of motivation to activate Rotarians for their contribution and participation.

Rotary International President for 2024-25, Stephanie Urchick has given the annual theme The Magic of Rotary and called on members to recognize and amplify the organization’s power to save lives. The theme utterly makes sense, since the World is at a critical moment due to the post Covid pandemic, financial recession and arm conflicts in some parts of the World. The world is expecting more from Rotary to address humanitarian and development needs in different part of the world. Now, we have challenge to bring impactful results in a magical way by magnifying our efforts and partnership.

Building peace in the World is the core interest of every Rotarians and we believe it could be achieved by addressing humanitarian needs such as education, improving health, providing safe water, and reducing poverty. We should focus on these areas in the year and further ahead.

Environment is another global issue that we must work together to keep our planet safe and healthy for the generation to come. We can contribute to safe global environment in two ways; by reducing carbon emission and by absorbing emitted carbon. Massive plantation can help on reduction of carbon. Reducing and replacing fossil fuel with clean cooking help to minimize carbon emission. A district level initiation to support and motivating clubs on these areas can make significant contribution on our environment.

As we know, we're in the last mile of the push toward polio eradication. However, we still have to continue fighting for this until the end otherwise, the whole gain we've achieved in the last 31 years could go away in one day. I am sure, we will continue our endeavor in polio plus this year too.

Let us work together to continue our ongoing best practices and do it better than even before and take new initiations. Together we can strengthen the District’s capacity and extend our supports to activate our clubs for better results.

Yours in Rotary,

Binod Koirala
District Governor, 2025-26