Dear Fellow Rotarians
At the outset let me congratulate you and all the Leaders in the Clubs for taking over the leadership mantle for the year 2023/2024, Creating Hope in the World.
Our organisation has a strong set of values - integrity, ethics, diversity, equity and inclusion and total financial transparency. Let us connect the Donor to the Beneficiary. This is essential to build Trust. Let us not make a business out of Rotary but make Rotary and Service our business.
Let the Leadership be built on these values to ensure that you make a difference and set an example for the years ahead, for the Society will judge our organisation by our actions.
The Team and you need to ensure that there is fairness in your actions as leaders. Arrogance has no place in Rotary Leadership at any level. Be a Team player as Together we can always achive more.
Be Dreamers - Think Large and not small. There is nothing impossible for a committed Rotary Leader to achieve. Communication is the Key to Success. The most vital aspect is being a good listener. Be a compassionate leader - leading with Committment , Zeal, Enthusiasm and Passion.
Our success lies in touching more lives and making a difference. Let’s be the harbingers of change. A change from the past to a change for the future and for the better. A change that embodies the spirit and soul of our organisation, taking the clubs and the organisation a few notches higher than when we took over the mantle of leadership. Growth as anywhere else is essential and important even for our Organisation.
Let us do all that we need to, to improve our public image. Let the world be told of the good that we do to give a ray of hope for a better tomorrow to so many whose lives we touch. Let us be selfless in the service that we do. Lets eschew the I and truly serve above self. Let’s work together as a Team to give Hope and build a better future together, for our clubs, districts and our organisation and for the society who we seek to serve.
Get set to embark on a journey of a life time , an opportunity not to be missed and display your leadership as we serve with humility and simplicity. God bless you all for what you do in service and fellowship.
Have a great year ahead and Enjoy Rotary as you Create Hope in the World
TN ( Raju ) Subramanian
RID 2023/2024