Dear DG Jitendra Bahadur Rajbhandary,
Let me congratulate you for being chosen by your district 3292to lead them in 2022-2023. It is a landmark year when Rotary reaffirms its commitment to Diversity and Equity.
One of the unique traits of humans, a trait not present in any other form of life, is their ability to imagine things. An ability which, if channelized in the right direction, can result in a new and better world. This is what our leader for 2022-2023 Jennifer Jones is urging all of us to do.
We can work towards growing our organization, retaining those who are already there, elevate Rotaract, consciously work towards Diversity, /Equity and Inclusion, empower the less privileged girls and carry out impactful and meaningful service projects and enhance the image of Rotary in the community. All of these require only one ability – the ability to imagine. That will unleash the power within each one of us.
I wish each and every rotarian of district 3292 a meaningful year and an enhanced value for their membership in the coming rotary year.
With warm regards
Venkatesh Ananthanarayanan
Director 2021-23
Rotary International