JULY 2024
Transition Month




Chair - District Publication & GML Subcommittee 2023-24

Dear Fellow Rotarians,

Greetings! I am thrilled to embark on this exciting journey of experience-sharing with all of you. As your editor for the entire Rotary Year 2023-24, I promise to be a dedicated advocate of our shared values, exemplified by the mantra 'Service above Self.'

I consider myself fortunate to have already engaged with many of you personally, witnessing the inspiring work of your clubs and learning about your stories. I am deeply grateful to the leadership for affording me this opportunity to foster communication and unity among us.

The Governor's Monthly Letter (GML) stands as an official newsletter connecting the District Governor with every club and member. It serves as a platform to stay informed about the current affairs of Rotary International and our district, including service projects, news, and updates across the fraternity.

July signifies a ‘Transition Month’ in Rotary as we celebrate leadership changes not only at the international level but also within our district and active clubs. This month of transitions has brought us a series of installations, celebrations, and fellowships. Cheers to them!!

This Rotary Year, we breathe new life into the Governor's Monthly Letter (GML) by introducing an updated format and captivating content structure presented in a beautiful and professional layout. We have dedicated sections to showcase updates from The Rotary Foundation (TRF), Global Grant Projects, and District Grant Projects, with the aim of inspiring others and learning from successful endeavors. Furthermore, we proudly feature interviews with esteemed personalities and leaders from various fields, creating a platform for thought leadership both within and beyond the Rotary fraternity. To achieve this, I call upon all Club Presidents and Secretaries to share their club news and activities with us at gml.district3292@gmail.com promptly, enabling us to feature and disseminate your stories to a wide audience.

Lastly, I would also like to extend my appreciation to the District Publication and GML Sub-Committee 2023-24 team for their expression of interest, whose unwavering support I anticipate throughout the year.

Together, let’s ‘Create Hope in the World’.

Yours in Rotary,

Rtn. Raj Shrestha
Chair, District Publication and GML Sub-Committee 2023-24
Rotary International District 3292, Nepal-Bhutan