APRIL 2024
Environmental Month




Chair - District Publication & GML Subcommittee 2023-24

Dear Fellow Rotarians,

I begin with a heavy heart, reflecting on the devastating wildfires that have engulfed our country. It is distressing to witness the widespread destruction, with over 1,000 wildfires raging uncontrollably across numerous locations. The lack of effective action from both governmental and non-governmental entities to contain these disasters has left us feeling helpless. The loss of wildlife, the alarming levels of air pollution, and the myriad of repercussions underscore the urgent need for intervention. As we observe April as ‘Environmental Month’ within Rotary, these wildfires serve as a stark reminder of the critical importance of environmental stewardship.

Amidst these challenges, Rotarians remain steadfast in our mission to ‘Create Hope in the World’. I commend the tireless efforts of club leaders in providing vital support to our communities. The Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) 2024 has played a pivotal role in nurturing the next generation of leaders and instilling them with Rotary values.

I extend my heartfelt congratulations to DGE Rajendra Man Sherchan for the successful organization of the Presidents Elect Training Seminar (PETS). To all club Presidents Elect, your dedication to service above self is truly commendable.

I also wish to express my gratitude to my dear friend Mr. Sonam Lama, a dedicated Conservation Activist, for his unwavering commitment to securing sustainable habitats for endangered Red Pandas. Your efforts are invaluable to the preservation of our precious wildlife.

In these trying times, let us rally together and support one another amidst the financial challenges that have affected us all. Let us be beacons of hope in our communities, uplifting our friends, colleagues, families, and business circles. As people of compassion and resilience, let us embrace every challenge as an opportunity for collective growth and sustainable development.

As emphasized by RI President Gordon McInally, the urgency of peaceful resolutions in Europe and West Asia cannot be overstated. Let us prioritize dialogue over discord, and work towards fostering social harmony and justice, both locally and globally.

Yours in Rotary,

Rtn. Raj Shrestha
Chair, District Publication and GML Sub-Committee 2023-24
Rotary International District 3292, Nepal-Bhutan